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Maison Minelli

Maison MinelliShoes Women Maison Minelli TEILYE 

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Minelli in the City
In a few short years, Minelli has imposed itself in the world of the point where they are considered a sure bet for everyone in search of the latest fashion trends. Naturally easygoing, delicate and sophisticated designs, and rigorous manufacturing standards are the unique touches that we love so much from our Minelli shoes! Season after season,each collection is characterized by fine details and subtle audacity. Feel free to fall in love!

Shoes Women Sandals Maison Minelli TEILYE Black

Maison Minelli

USD/$140.00      USD/$112.00
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Shoes Women Sandals Maison Minelli TEILYE Black
Maison Minelli

USD/$140.00      USD/$112.00ORIGIN ITALIA


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