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Love Moschino

Love MoschinoShoes Women Love Moschino JA28073G1C 

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Love Moschino : the glam collection from Moschino
Revealing style rooted in contemporary luxury, Moschino has been known among haute couture leaders for over 25 years. Launched in 1983 by Franco Moschino, the Italian fashion house embodies a certain level of class that is constantly renewed through creations that challenge stereotypes and reinvent fashion throughout the seasons. After his untimely death in 1994, it was his former assistant Rossella Jardini who took over the brand while maintaining the creator's bias for non-traditional high-end fashion. The result of this artistic collection can be summarised as non-conformist, sometimes provocative, but always driven by a desire for luxury quality. The Love Moschino label combines classic designs that are a little dreamy, a little girly, a little extravagant...Or even all three at the same time!

Shoes Women Mules Love Moschino JA28073G1C Black

Love Moschino

USD/$141.00      USD/$112.80
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Shoes Women Mules Love Moschino JA28073G1C Black
Love Moschino

USD/$141.00      USD/$112.80ORIGIN SPAIN


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