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MartinelliShoes Men Martinelli MILO 1445 

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Martinelli: urban elegance
Specialising in the creation and design of men's shoes from the beginning, Martinelli quickly stood out from other men's brands thanks to their unique and elegant style. In 2007, the brand was bought by the Pikolinos group. From then on, the Spanish brand chose to diversify and launch a women's collection. Younger, more dynamic, and more urban, Martinelli designs seduced more and more men and women throughout the country. Today, the brand has become a reference in Spanish fashion and has more than 1,500 retail stores.

Shoes Men Low top trainers Martinelli MILO 1445 Black

Milo 1445

USD/$152.00      USD/$121.60
Available sizes
Shoes Men Low top trainers Martinelli MILO 1445 Black
Milo 1445

USD/$152.00      USD/$121.60ORIGIN PORTUGAL


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