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MelineShoes Women Meline DERMION 

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Méliné puts Italy at your feet
Founded in 2006 by Valentino Fenni, Meline is the excellence and know-how of Italian craftsmanship at the service of products in tune with the times. The result is rich with charm, impeccable quality and very fashion. The lines are sleek and the designs understated, but so far, Meline knows how to find the detail and chic shock that will bring a touch of character to any look. That's the Italian way!

Shoes Women Brogue shoes Meline DERMION BIS Bordeaux

Dermion Bis

USD/$88.00      USD/$70.40
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Shoes Women Brogue shoes Meline DERMION BIS Bordeaux
Dermion Bis

USD/$88.00      USD/$70.40ORIGIN ITALIA


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