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DesigualBags Women Desigual DEJAVU PHUKET MINI 

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Desigual : fashion with Spanish colours
Desigual was launched in Barcelona in 1984. At 20 years old, Tomás Meyer saw fashion as colourful, creative, non-conformist, and most of all, affordable. Today, the Desigual style team is composed of 25 stylists, who each season design a collection of more than 1,000 original items made from motifs, colours, and various cloths. Models which are loyal to the initial philosophy of the Spanish brand, based on positivity, perfectionism, innovation, and creativity.

Bags Women Shoulder bags Desigual DEJAVU PHUKET MINI Black

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Dejavu Phuket Mini

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Bags Women Shoulder bags Desigual DEJAVU PHUKET MINI Black
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Dejavu Phuket Mini



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