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Les Petites Bombes

Les Petites BombesBags Women Les Petites Bombes EULALIE 

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Les P'tites Bombes : a trend that we love !
For girls who are not afraid of anything and who consider their shoe cabinet as the eighth wonder of the world, there are Les P'tites Bombs. The concept of the brand? The models offer an easygoing look to fashionistas but far from basic that gives a different look to your clothes. Each collection is made ​​up of a master piece that you must have, with an asset and not the least: the price / quality ratio. Real weapons of mass seduction ...

Bags Women Shoulder bags Les Petites Bombes EULALIE Black

Les Petites Bombes

USD/$76.00      USD/$60.80
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Bags Women Shoulder bags Les Petites Bombes EULALIE Black
Les Petites Bombes

USD/$76.00      USD/$60.80


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