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MelissaShoes Women Melissa MELISSA WIDE AD 

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Ethical fashion
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Melissa in plastic fashion
Created in Brazil in 1979, the brand Melissa has become a fashion phenomenon among trendsetters. Their recipe for success was simple: create a line of completely trendy shoes designed in a unique material .... plastic! Their models are entirely moulded with thermo-injected plastic technology, which is both recyclable and has a sweet candy smell. This unique design process allows for creative designs that play with classic shoe forms to give them a dream-like quality. The design is always at the forefront, as each collection includes models designed in collaboration with world-renowned designers to create veritable works of art: Patrick Cox, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Alexandre Hercovitch, Judy Blame, Vivienne Westwood, etc.... Pop and stylish, glamorous and audacious, Melissa opens the doors to a sweet and colourful world.

Shoes Women Mules Melissa MELISSA WIDE AD Black

Melissa Wide Ad

USD/$78.00      USD/$62.40
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Shoes Women Mules Melissa MELISSA WIDE AD Black
Melissa Wide Ad

USD/$78.00      USD/$62.40


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