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KG by Kurt Geiger

KG by Kurt GeigerShoes Women KG by Kurt Geiger MONTY 

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KG by Kurt Geiger, so British!
Kurt Geiger is above all else the story of a brand that opened it's first boutique on Bond Street in London in 1963. Since then, the brand hasn't stop evolving, and they are now present in Europe, in the Middle East, the Americas, Asia, and even Australia. The secret to the brand's success? A London-inspired style adapted to an urban lifestyle that makes their products incredibly accessible. Among the brand's numerous sub-brands, the KG by Kurt Geiger collection includes the brand's trendy and glamorous designs. Easy to wear styles designed with a sophisticated look at an affordable price. So stylish....

Shoes Women Sandals KG by Kurt Geiger MONTY Peach

KG by Kurt Geiger

USD/$126.00      USD/$100.80
Available sizes
Shoes Women Sandals KG by Kurt Geiger MONTY Peach
KG by Kurt Geiger

USD/$126.00      USD/$100.80ORIGIN SPAIN


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