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La City

La CityClothing Women La City TS CROIS D6 

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La City: a leading French fashion brand
La City has, since its creation in the late 80's, specialised in women's business wear. The brand is back this season with a goal of becoming THE French brand for fashionable women's clothes for work and after-work. With elegance and finesse, La City designs smart and chic wear in a world of urban fashion. The brand, known for its fine materials, creates a quality modern collection that is simple, comfortable and stylish. La City dresses women with class and splendour!

Clothing Women short-sleeved t-shirts La City TS CROIS D6 White

La City
Ts Crois D6

USD/$38.00      USD/$30.40
Available sizes
Clothing Women short-sleeved t-shirts La City TS CROIS D6 White
La City
Ts Crois D6

USD/$38.00      USD/$30.40


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